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HELENVITA Anti Hair Loss Vitamin 60Caps + Women Shampoo 100ml Gift

HELENVITA Anti Hair Loss Vitamin 60Caps + Women Shampoo 100ml Gift

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Specialized dietary supplement that contributes: to increase hydration and reduce oiliness of the skin making the skin tight and youthful to Reduce Hair Loss and Oilyness of the Scalp by making it shiny and rich to increase the strength & growth rate of the nails making them strong and hard Contains: Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Selenium and Chromium: valuable trace elements that help maintain the normal condition of the Scalp, nails and skin Cysteine ​​(Cys), Dethionine, (Met): essential amino acids Vitamin C: anti-aging - antioxidant action that contributes to the normal function of the skin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12: help maintain the condition of the skin Bamboo Extract: Source of Silicon (Si) Structural Element of Collagen Tonic shampoo for women that reduces hair loss and strengthens hair. Thoroughly cleanses the scalp, leaving hair clean and soft. The innovative Redensyl® ingredient reduces hair loss and promotes hair growth, while Auxina Tricogena® ensures normal hair nutrition. Caffeine improves microcirculation and prolongs the life cycle of hair. The active ingredient Yogurtene, offers volume, while leaving the hair soft and easy to comb.

Barcode: 5213000524376, 5213000524376

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