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HEALTH AID Haemovit Plus - Hematopoietic 30 Caps

HEALTH AID Haemovit Plus - Hematopoietic 30 Caps

Buying this product you earn 193 Points points
Blood consists of a suspension of cells, which are classified into 3 categories: red blood cells, white blood cells & platelets. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is used to transport oxygen to the brain, heart and muscles, which are essential for energy production, enabling the body's cells to function properly. Ideal in cases of iron deficiency anemia of any etiology, for women and men and people with special nutritional needs (diet, malnutrition), the elderly, pregnant women, the chronically ill, etc.

Barcode: 5019781000227, 5019781000227

Adults and children over 12 years, 1 capsule per day.
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