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UNI-PHARMA D3 Fix 2000iu + K2 45mg 60 capsules

UNI-PHARMA D3 Fix 2000iu + K2 45mg 60 capsules

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2000 IU Vitamin D3 + 45 μg Vitamin K2 Vitamins D & K are fat soluble vitamins and play an essential role in maintaining the organism in a good condition. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin through the photolytic action of ultraviolet radiation. Besides the fact that each organism can produce Vitamin D3, the modern lifestyle and the inadequate exposure to sunlight result to Vitamin D3 deficiency, which must be supplemented through nutrition. Vitamin K is a cofactor in a number of biochemical pathways and it can be found in leafy green vegetables and in fermented dairy products. Vitamin D3 contributes to: Normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus Normal blood calcium levels The maintenance of normal bones & teeth The maintenance of normal muscle function The normal function of the immune system The process of cell division Vitamin K2 contributes to: Normal blood clotting The maintenance of normal bones

Barcode: 5206938002399, 5206938002399

One tablet per day along with a fat-containing meal. The vitamins it contains are fat-soluble and their ingestion with fat-containing foods helps to a better absorption. Fat-containing foods include: full-fat milk & yogurt, fatty fish (salmon, sardine etc), nuts and foods containing olive oil.
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