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LANES Kcaligram Slimbody 60Tabs

LANES Kcaligram Slimbody 60Tabs

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Lanes Kcaligram SlimBody contains ActiBall + which is a complex of 100% natural fibers. More specifically, Acti Ball is a patented, complex consisting of 100% fiber. This complex is released in the stomach and forms a grid that binds some of the sugars and fats from the diet, which reduces calorie intake and the feeling of hunger. It has a prebiotic action that alters and balances the composition of the beneficial intestinal flora.
It thus enhances its action in weight loss and calorie reduction in cases of overweight while preventing obesity.
Proven effectiveness in fatty foods.

Barcode: 5201314128779

For weight loss (overweight people with Body Mass Index-BMI: 25 to 30- [25DSM <30]):
Take 2 capsules with a glass of water, 2 times a day , before the 2 main meals of the day.

For weight control and management of dietary excesses or for weight maintenance or in special cases when you participate in a high-fat meal (eg during the holidays, on the weekend): Take 2 capsules with a glass of water just before meal.
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