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FROIKA Ac Face Lotion F 200ml

FROIKA Ac Face Lotion F 200ml

Buying this product you earn 183 Points points
Astringent Antimicrobial Lotion for Cleansing and Toning the Fat with Acne Tendency Skin throughout the day.

Antimicrobial lotion for cleansing and toning the face, while helping to quickly control and restore microbial balance . Releases and tightens skin pores in depth, as it removes shine, sebum and impurities.

Barcode: 5204799030162, 5204799030162, BC-ZBTJ-HY07

Put the lotion on a cotton pad and swipe this all over your face, insisting particularly on oily areas and spots that pose a problem. In places with strong problem on the face or body do instillations locally and let the product act until it evaporates. It is suitable for cleaning areas of the skin or of the hands when there is no possibility to use water and soap. Suitable for adults, adolescents and children over 3 years old.
Tonic tincture of benzoin Astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and bacteriostatic action Boric acid Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic action Camphor Seborrheic, anti-pruritic, antimicrobial, local anesthetic and cooling action
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