Effective detoxifying composition for "drying" the silhouette.
Significantly reduces fluid retention and gives a sense of comfort while getting rid of the first 1-2 kg of swelling.
The composition acts as a "cleanser" in the body helping to remove retained toxins and unnecessary elements from the kidneys, lymph and liver. Achieves + 50% increase in diuresis.
ACTION 1: Cherry stalk, spiral, hibiscus, Cactinea® (fruit extract), green tea:
plants with natural ‘drying’ and cleansing properties of the organism
Aim to eliminate the excess of water-soluble metabolic wastes and toxins from
kidneys, liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system
Strong action in the enhancement of lymphatic and renal function & drainage of organs
ACTION 2: Green tea, Cactinea® (fruit extract): enhance the burning of calories & fat
achieving boost metabolism and being a good ally to start a weight loss effort ACTION 3: AOSA ginseng and guava seaweed: Phyto-3 specific for regulating ions & metals
By consuming very pure water the minerals are lost from the organism. These plants are rich in minerals and replenish them.
Specific actions: AOSA algae: Rich in minerals (K, Fe, S) + Sulfur: detoxification of the liver + balance of potassium and sodium (avoidance of retention) + rich in vitamins (provit A, vitamin D) and essential amino acids, Gins Very rich in various minerals, Guava: Rich in vitamin C, pectin & minerals, natural balance of the body
Barcode: 3700221333907, 3700221335482