Rediscover Your Postpartum Body

You are one very happy new mom!
After nine months of waiting, you finally hold your baby in your arms. Your body has gone through numerous changes during this time, and now you're aiming to get back to your shape... and your pre-pregnancy body. Be patient.
Consider that if it takes nine months to make a baby, it will take at least the same amount of time for your body to fully recover from this adventure. However, you can start taking care of yourself as soon as your baby is born. Check out our tips for smooth recovery and renewal of your body!
In this article you will find:
During pregnancy and childbirth, your body undergoes numerous changes that may leave their marks after your baby is born:
- Your skin may look relaxed and less firm. A decrease in pregnancy hormones in your blood can also cause skin dryness and a dull appearance.
- You probably have a few extra pounds left over.
- Perhaps stretch marks appeared due to hormonal changes and skin tightening.
- Also, hormones may favor the formation of cellulite.
- If you had an episiotomy or C-section, the wound will be sore for several weeks after delivery.
- Finally, the mask of pregnancy (spots) may have formed on your face and a brown line may have been left on your belly. During pregnancy, red, star-shaped spots called 'arachnoid hemangiomas' may also form. All these skin marks usually disappear automatically in the months after delivery.
Because of these changes, new moms often struggle to accept their bodies after giving birth. Give yourself some time to get back in shape and get used to your new body as a mother!
- First of all, give your body some time to recover, especially if you're breastfeeding: don't go on a diet before you stop breastfeeding and don't engage in sports activities that require the activation of the abdominal muscles before the perineum is restored. So try not to obsess over losing weight in the first few months after giving birth.
- Follow the perineal rehabilitation sessions "reverently": by restoring the tone of the perineum, the risk of incontinence and organ prolapse is avoided.
- Cover the small imperfections of your skin's appearance with a correcting stick or make-up and spend time on make-up to rediscover your femininity.
- Wear clothes that make you feel beautiful and comfortable.
- Moisturize your face and body daily with a nourishing product to combat dryness.
- If you have stretch marks, apply daily a specialized care product for existing stretch marks, which will help make them more subtle.
- Ask dad, a friend or one of your parents to hold the baby and use this time to do something that will give you joy: hairdresser, facial, massage...
- Without going on a diet, you can adopt a balanced diet: prefer fresh fruits and vegetables (at least 5 a day), lean meats or fish, whole grains and starchy foods, and natural dairy products. Instead, limit high-fat foods or foods that contain sugar.
- If you have hunger pangs (common during breastfeeding), cook lighter meals and have a snack in the morning and/or afternoon.
- Your figure will gradually return to its previous shape: estimate 3 to 6 months for your weight to normalize and about 1 year for your waist circumference to return. However, your body is no longer the same as it was before pregnancy: your hips may have "opened", your breasts may have a different shape, your skin may be marked by stretch marks... Learn to love her body "mom" as it is. Accept yourself and you will be the most beautiful!
After giving birth, starting a physical activity, combined with a balanced diet, will help you "sculpt" your figure. However, it is equally necessary to take care of your body in the first months after giving birth and choose specially adapted exercises!
- As soon as postpartum bleeding stops: walking.
- After six weeks: swimming.
- After perineal restoration: abdominals.
- After 4 months: cardio in the gym or outdoors (tennis, fast swimming, cycling).
- After a year: running and all other sports.
Here are some examples of exercises that you can do daily at home:
To relieve your back (done from the first month)
- Lie on your back with legs bent and heels close to the buttocks, hands firmly on the abdomen, head on the floor and chin down. Rock the pelvis forward slightly until the back touches the floor.
- Lift the pelvis while taking a deep breath and lower it to the floor as you exhale.
- Stay in this position for 10 minutes exhaling through the mouth.
To strengthen your abdomen (done after perineal repair)
- Lie on your back on the floor, chin down, knees bent, feet in the air and hands on knees.
- Without moving, push hands to knees and knees to hands for 20 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 6 times, resting 30 seconds between each repetition.
To tighten the thighs and strengthen the shoulder muscles
- Sit in a chair with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands on your knees.
- The hands push the knees until they close and you put resistance on the knees.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 4 times, resting 20 to 30 seconds between each repetition.