5 Beard Grooming Tips

5 Beard Grooming Tips
If you have a thin face, a long beard and perhaps slightly irregular will suit you better. If you have a big, broad face, a more well-groomed and shorter beard will suit you better.
If you decide to grow a beard, your patience, friendships and even your relationship with your significant other will be really tested. What about during the growing season...is there anything we can do to not look like a slob? "No. In the first few months you will look like crap.
See it as a real challenge to see if your friendships and relationship can withstand difficult situations, where you won't be at your best. If your partner continues to live with you, then she is probably the chosen one.
Don't wait 3 months to start using care products. Giving your developing beard the right foundation is key to the success of the venture.
Regular use of soap, shampoo, oil and beard balm will keep the skin moisturized and adequately nourish the hair.
Making the decision to grow a beard is only a very small part of the whole process. There is a long way from 'I want to grow a beard' to 'I managed to grow a beautiful, long beard'. "The first important step is adequate and regular hydration. A healthy beard is a hydrated beard. If yours is dry and flaky, it will make you wish you had a big scarf to hide it.
Beard balm is for the hair, while beard oil primarily protects the skin. Using the right skin care products helps the skin stay healthy. Great news, if you ever decide to shave your beard completely, you'll have a perfect and smooth face...however, who wants to shave off a well-shaped, healthy beard?!
Keeping your beard clean is a different routine than washing your body. You should only wash it with a special beard shampoo 1-2 times a week – daily washing with soap or shampoo can lead to dandruff or make the skin dry and irritated.
Beard dandruff can occur even in the most regular and clean men. “Frequent use of beard oil can prevent beard dandruff. The oil makes the skin softer, while thanks to the deep hydration and nourishment of the skin, the formation of dandruff flakes is avoided.
How often does a beard need trimming? “It really depends on the beard, how fast it grows, how long it keeps its shape, and when the flyaways start bothering you. For most, trimming should be done about every 2 weeks. For others, trimming may be done once a month.
You should feel confident. It took you a long time to grow your beard, and it takes a lot of time every day to groom it with beard oil, balm, and shampoo – don't throw it all away with poor trimming. See your barber.”